I can almost guarantee you'll see this image again - it'll be my entry on a future iheartfaces post for sure... I'm so proud of it! Tadpole usually isn't big on having his picture taken... especially when he's doing something else that's so much more important, like having fun! I snuck into the bathroom one night last week, camera in hand, and managed to catch this as soon as I called his name - before he realized the camera was even in the room.
A quick levels adjustment in ACR, then into PS3 for desaturation, warming, sharpening and a crop... and voila! My little boy, looking as sweet and angelic as... as... well, who am I kidding... NEVER! haha. He's such a BOY!
Nevertheless, this is one of my favorite images of him to date. ( It's really hard to pat myself on the back while I type this. :p )