Friday, June 12, 2009

Flashback Friday | Happy Birthday to Me!

Today I turn old. As old as Mister! Today I turn 31 for the first time (I say this because I have a feeling that this will be the age I want to stay at for awhile. My Mom's been 29 since she turned 29! I'm happy to stick at 31 for now). And I'm okay with that! Turning 30 was fantastic, and I have high hopes for 31. Any way I look at it, it can't be as bad as 25 was. Phew!

Getting engaged the day before my 27th birthday was pretty freekin incredible. Buying a house on my 28th, and announcing my pregnancy on my 29th were nothing to sneeze at, but now that my life is following the path that I'd always hoped for, I really couldn't be happier!

Today's birthday flashback is from last year. My 1st bday as a Mummy! Mister snapped both of these. Me with my little Tadpole, and one of our happy little family.