Monday, November 23, 2009

iheartfaces - Week 46: Sun Flare

As if I didn't already love the ifaces challenges enough... this week I'm UBER excited because [b]ecker is the guest judge!!!
My Daddy and I are registered to attend his Vancouver workshop in January, and the idea that he could see one of my images this week has me grinning from ear to ear! 

This week's theme is Sun Flare.  I took my Tadpole out into the front yard a few weeks ago to snap some Xmas photos, and I managed to get a small handful with some flare.  This is my favorite of the few...

Head on over to ifaces to see the rest of this weeks entries.

(And if you happen to be reading this, Hi Becker!  Welcome to my blog :)  I'm so looking forward to meeting you at your workshop in Vancouver - see you in a few months!)