From the good: our first glance at the 5 Boston Boys; through the bad: Jordan’s wind-machine shirtless bit (how could anyone take that seriously? It was hysterical!); and back again: to Team Canada hockey jerseys for Hangin’ Tough… it was a night to remember.
And yes, we still And yes, we still heart Donnie Wahlberg – did I mention that he dropped his drawers to show us the Canadian flag on the bum of his boxers.
He wiggled it. Just a little bit. For the fun of it.
He wiggled it. Just a little bit. For the fun of it.
(I snagged this picture from Google Images)
And how sweet was it to see the Jabbawockeez?!
I had no idea that they were opening… Mister and Unk were both a bit jealous when they found out about it – but they agreed that it wouldn’t have been worth sitting through the NKOTB for. Awww, what the heck do they know? Seriously though… if you don’t know who the Jabbawockeez are, you need to go to their website to watch some video, or look them up on youtube. Incredible.

All in all, it was one heck of an evening with great company. Love ya Lo !
* I didn’t take my camera with me so if anyone happened to get some decent pictures, please e-mail them to me and I’ll add them to this post. In the meantime, this one is from today's Times Colonist...
* I didn’t take my camera with me so if anyone happened to get some decent pictures, please e-mail them to me and I’ll add them to this post. In the meantime, this one is from today's Times Colonist...